Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thank you!

I just wanted to take a minute to give a whole lot of thanks to my teacher Yollande who made us see things very differently ( 3-D)...who showed us how to be patient. Thanks for having shared so much of your many talents with all of us. Those 25 years or so with you have enabled us to share- laugh and be creative. My hat is off to you! Again many thanks!

Beautiful works by my classmates

I thought I'd tease you a little bit by seeing other great works done by my "papertole friends"! Enjoy!

Works of art 2

Works of papertole art

Here are some of my other pieces!

Final works on the art of papertole

It's been awhile since I posted. On my last papertole..I've added more snow banks in the bottom of the picture.