Monday, March 22, 2010

More Paper Tole

Another roof on the barn was then glued on, followed by the barn boards( that are also inside the barn)

Paper Tole....continuing....

The front of the barn was added; then the barn boards (see window and door of the barn ). These need to be put now because they are really inside the barn.

2nd update on Paper Tole

Barn boards were added to the shed (left of the barn)

Update on the Art of Paper Tole

I've been working on the house: the chimney and the smoke has first been added;then another roof was put on the house .The little porch has a new door with knob; it also has an added roof. A dormer window was then put on the roof of the house;then another roof added plus the snow on each side. All the windows were added to the house, followed by the window frames